I did well with cutting expenses and saving last month, without too much discomfort. If we can keep this up, we will be on track to meet my primary financial goals for this year: Paying our family contribution to UFF Son's college tuition and expenses ( it goes up every year, le sigh) while fully funding retirement accounts.
Here are some great changes we instituted in Uber Frugal January:
- Settled on 66 degrees as a livable setting for the downstairs thermostat. It was at a shocking 75 degrees as January started!
- Stopped using the attic wall heating unit in UFF Parent's third-floor sleeping quarters, and put six comforters on the bed. Ahhh, cozy.
- UFF Dad installed a cute 5-minute shower timer in the bathroom.
- Worked on streamlining meals and eating more healthy, frugal bulk items like whole beans and grains. Also, counting fruit! Thanks to Mrs. Frugalwood for this idea. I wish I had the cooking creativity and skill of Mrs. Picky Pincher, who creates incredibly yummy and varied weekly menus. Baked more snack foods for UFF Boy (like blueberry muffins).
- Taking a friend/coworker to coffee. Instead we went on walks together.
- Yarn from an artist materials recycling center. I have enough yarn that I could knit for a year and still have some left over.
- Red wine for myself. This may be a sacred cow, I'm not sure yet.
Are you continuing the Uber Frugal Challenge into February? Do tell!
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