Sunday, March 19, 2017

Long Time No Blog

Hello! It has been a while.

Part of that was due to multiple things happening in real life….illness, visits, trying to find time for all the elements I fit in around a full time job--family time, running a household, exercise, sleeping enough, reading, friends, knitting, etc.

Part, I must confess, was due to a bit of a poisoned present--though it was never intended that way. UFF Dad upgraded his phone for his birthday, and thus upgraded mine with his old one. This led to the newfound ability to constantly check news feeds on the new "smart" phone, something that I confess quickly became addictive (but also, better photos, which is great).

In realizing how much time I was squandering online looking for the dopamine release of the next story click, I saw that spending lots of time online was also detracting from a focus on my daily life. I would find myself framing everything in terms of frugality for this blog--or thinking about people in other blogs I read during quiet moments.

There is nothing inherently wrong with that--I often think about characters in books I read as well, and I do keep frugality in the back of my brain when making decisions. But it didn't sit well. It felt like the ephemeral internet world was taking precedence in my brain over the people I love in real life, and time in front of screens was using up time that I could be spending practicing yoga, starting a journal, sketching, reading, walking my dog.

So, a few days went by, then a few more….and I realized that I just didn't feel like sitting down and writing about frugal living. I dislike when blogs that I have enjoyed just suddenly stop posting, so…I thought I would compose a farewell post, at least for now.

If there is anyone reading this besides C and S (hugs to you both)...thank you for reading!

Also, I am leaving for a trip to Vietnam with UFF Gram in just a couple of days. I may post some pictures here as a way to share them, so stay tuned for possible travel pics if that is your cup of tea.

1 comment:

  1. Please don't go away. I love reading your big! And see I have learned to post.
