Saturday, February 25, 2017

Weekly Do the Numbers

Friday to Friday spending….


Big Winco Grocery Shopping: $137.00

Three pounds of bulk tofu ends from the "Tofu Factory Outlet Store": $3.75+10-cent bag
 (yes! this really exists, and it's a five minute walk from my workplace)

Small grocery shop (2 gallons of milk plus organic carrots, lettuce, apples) and Bota Box of Cabernet Sauvignon for next week's Book Group (yes, so classy): $9.00

(how was it only $9? We used a $10 gift card I received at work plus a $13.00 credit that UFF Dad had collected from returning about a year's worth of recyclable cans and bottles)

Total weekly spending: $146.85 

That's all, folks!


  1. I am a fairly new reader, and have enjoyed your posts!

    Wow- What a bargain for tofu!

    Great work on your spending for the week!

    1. Thanks for commenting, Katy! :)
      I know-the bargain on tofu is amazing! The tofu outlet store is only open twice a week in the afternoon, and it's sometimes difficult for me to remember to get over there on a break. They also sell tempeh at half the store price, but my son at home won't eat it, so I rarely purchase it.
